"Can I hug you?"
I got this question from an audience member after delivering commencement in 2024 at SUNY Geneseo, my alma mater. The woman who asked it - a mom of a graduate - had tears in her eyes as she let me go.
"We all needed to hear what you said in that arena," she said, her voice shaking. "Not just my son who graduated today," she added. "My older son at home feels like he's failing. I need him to hear what you said because I know it will help him."
Those words - that woman - will not soon leave my memory because in her request to hug me, she dared to express how much she cared. How human of her! How vulnerable and brave! In those 30 seconds, she dared to do what I’m always driving my clients to do when they speak: show why they care!
…On a stage
…In a meeting
…At your cousin’s wedding
Show. The. @. Up!
Why? Because actually caring makes a huge difference for YOU and your audience. Here’s how:
Emotion and purpose help you overcome your fear of public speaking. Roughly 85% of people say they have a fear of public speaking. If you’re one of them and you want to get over your fear of public speaking - let loose! My clients get emotional in their practice with me. They have to. It’s the only way to breakthrough and shine on stage.
Being expressive unlocks the physical toll that fear of public speaking takes on your body. Yep, when you let go emotionally, you let go physically…and that eases up the stress on your shoulders, spine, breathing, hips and more.
Your audience expects it! People WANT to feel good. We all search for feel-good moments. Laughter, “ahas”, connection, knowledge...even the knowledge that we’re not alone. We want - no, we NEED - to know that whomever we are listening to, actually cares about us.
Maya Angelou said:
“People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But, they will never forget how you made them feel.”
Make your audience feel something by showing them that you care, and you will lessen - if not - obliterate your fear of public speaking. I’ve seen it hundreds of times in my clients. The emotional exchange that happens when a room is moved by a speaker who shows they care is unlike anything else in this world, and it should be the goal for every speaker to achieve.
Not every talk ends in a hug. Sometimes it ends with a simple applause and some kind smiles on our way out the door. I’ll take even that, though, because it’s always an honor to be invited to address a room. I never take it for granted. I care too much.
If you want to overcome your fear of public speaking, care more. Care until you’re willing to let go of you so you can embrace your audience.
How much would your business or career improve if you could master the art of public speaking? In Executive Coaching, we teach and practice every aspect of powerful public speaking - from overcoming your fear of public speaking to writing a great speech or presentation to how to run a successful Q&A with any audience. Our clients have told us that their coaching experience was the best investment they’ve ever made on themselves. Book a Consultation Today and master how you show up in every room!