the leadership lift-off
5 Days to Transform Your Habits and Your Future
You didn’t wake up this morning to be mediocre, so I challenge you. I challenge you - with love, respect and big-time moxie - to do something different than you did yesterday.
Something bigger.
Not harder. Not more complicated.
Just bigger. Because it’s about you…for you…and will completely change the way you live and work well into your future.
In just 5 days, The Leadership Lift-Off will help you create small, powerful shifts that lead to big results like greater confidence, focus, and resilience.
Ready to take off?
PREPARE - Bookmark this page & set a reminder for yourself to check back here at the same time every day for 5 days. (That part is really important.)
ACT - Click the virtual card below that corresponds with that day to reveal one simple action prompt. Follow that prompt and ACT as immediately as possible.
Consider the card your “coaching” for the day, and repeat this process with a new card each day.
REFLECT - Take 2 minutes after each card flip and resulting action (even if you choose take no action) to reflect on how that action made you a stronger leader or person - or what your choice to not act says about you. Resist the urge to judge (because that will happen)…and simply reflect.
That’s it.
It's fun, it's fast, and it works. How?
By giving you the chance to focus on yourself, be intentional about your actions and accountable for your outcomes. This daily exercise will guide you towards your best self by taking small but practical and repeatable steps towards cultivating greater self awareness, confidence, communication, resilience and relationships.